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Resep Brownies Kukus Ala Amanda

Bahan-bahan: - 6 buah butir telur - 225 gram gula putih - 1 boks vanili - 1/2 sendok teh garam - 1/2 sendok teh ovalet - 125 gram terigu yang diayak - 50 gram coklat bubuk yang sudah diayak-ayak dan udah diaduk rata dengan terigu - 75 ml minyak goreng - 100 gram dark cooking coklat (DCC) yang sudah di lelehkan, campur dengan minyak - 75 ml susu kental manis coklat Cara Membuat Brownies Kukus Ala Amanda: - siapkan cetakan kemudian alasi dengan kertas roti yang diolesi dengan mentega dan taburi terigu. - setelah cetakan siap panaskan kukusan lalu bungkus tutupnya dengan kain - persiapan bahan, kocok telur dan gula sampai mengembang lalu campurkan ovalet, kocok sampai putih dan mengembang. - berikutnya masukkan kedalam adonan campuran terigu dan coklat bubuk pelan-pelan, sedikit demi sedikit sampai habis lantas aduk rata. - selanjutnya campuran DCC dimasukan beserta minyak gunakan spatula untuk mengaduk sampai rata. - buatlah adonan menjadi 3 bagian sebut saja bagian A, B, C - lalu susu k

Free Full Download Automate Enterprise 6.

AutoMate Enterprise V6.0.2.0 automatically scheduled work plan to streamline Enterprise Edition English
HoneRiSO Rip
Software Name: AutoMate Enterprise V6.0.2.0
Language: English Lean Enterprise Edition
Number of discs: single loaded
Protection Type: Serial
Break Note: See CD-ROM, "serial number. Txt" file
System Support: Windows NT (SP6) / 2000 (SP2) / XP/2003
Hardware requirements:
Software Type: scheduled work plan for the software automatically
Update: 2005.05.04
Software distribution: Network Automation (D. VT)
Official Website:
Chinese Web site: None
Software Description: (subject to official website)
AutoMate Enterprise is an excellent scheme of things automatic foreground and background task schedule software. He mentioned
For all the necessary tools to complete the processing of things, regardless of complexity, the implementation of the batch, grammar, or
Customer program, to plan tasks.

It's remarkable is that these complex tasks only need to gently drag the mouse a few can be easily done.

Allows you to specify the computer to automatically run multiple programs, such as exit the system, the Internet, run the database, open the file
Case and so on. Users can make the implementation of those boring tasks such as file backup, automatic FTP, integrated or column
Printed reports. Users need no programming experience, and only need the Wizard wizard Association AutoMate
Assistance under the new process can be established. The program also supports the following functions: automatically compressed files, changing the parameters of enhanced
Number, "IF" condition of batch processing, enhanced records, tighter integration with the BASIC support inline formula
And error task prompt. This version supports the new file triggers the system, when files are modified to make appropriate
When the changes have improved support for keyboard and error, update the HTML format of instructions and repair
Is an error.

File Size: 22.88 MB


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