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Resep Brownies Kukus Ala Amanda

Bahan-bahan: - 6 buah butir telur - 225 gram gula putih - 1 boks vanili - 1/2 sendok teh garam - 1/2 sendok teh ovalet - 125 gram terigu yang diayak - 50 gram coklat bubuk yang sudah diayak-ayak dan udah diaduk rata dengan terigu - 75 ml minyak goreng - 100 gram dark cooking coklat (DCC) yang sudah di lelehkan, campur dengan minyak - 75 ml susu kental manis coklat Cara Membuat Brownies Kukus Ala Amanda: - siapkan cetakan kemudian alasi dengan kertas roti yang diolesi dengan mentega dan taburi terigu. - setelah cetakan siap panaskan kukusan lalu bungkus tutupnya dengan kain - persiapan bahan, kocok telur dan gula sampai mengembang lalu campurkan ovalet, kocok sampai putih dan mengembang. - berikutnya masukkan kedalam adonan campuran terigu dan coklat bubuk pelan-pelan, sedikit demi sedikit sampai habis lantas aduk rata. - selanjutnya campuran DCC dimasukan beserta minyak gunakan spatula untuk mengaduk sampai rata. - buatlah adonan menjadi 3 bagian sebut saja bagian A, B, C - lalu susu k

Free Full Download Acronis Privacy Expert Suite 7

Cover your tracks and keep your private information safe from unwanted intruders.
You may not realise it, but Windows secretly stores a record of everything that you have done, from web pages and passwords to recently used documents.
Unless you manually delete this information, other people can see exactly what you have been up to.

Acronis Privacy Expert Suite aims to take the pain out of this task by automating the procedure. It will clear the recycle bin, delete temporary files or even wipe entire hard disks. Deleting files or private data in Windows will only mark them as deleted, leaving them physically imprinted on the hard disk, and with the correct tools they can be recovered. Privacy Expert stops this from happening by overwriting deleted files and settings with random characters.

The clean and friendly interface is very simple to use. Just double-click the relevant icon and the program will take care of the rest, although fine-tuning the software is quite difficult. Privacy Suite can use a variety of methods to delete files but the default setting is not guaranteed to securely wipe and changing the settings involves drilling through several menus.

Acronis has thrown in a couple of other tools, too. First is the Pop-up blocker. This stops annoying adverts and messages from spoiling your web browsing. However, there are lots of free tools to do this, such as Google's Toolbar. The same can be said of the Spyware Clean-up tool, which eliminates nasty internet applications that record details of your web surfing. The free version is Ad-aware.

Overall, Privacy Expert is a fairly simple utility that will keep your deleted files deleted, but it's only likely to appeal when you sell or give a PC away.

Simple to use. Securely deletes files.

Limited impact for home users. Additional tools can be downloaded for free.

 File Size: 19.83 MB


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