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Resep Brownies Kukus Ala Amanda

Bahan-bahan: - 6 buah butir telur - 225 gram gula putih - 1 boks vanili - 1/2 sendok teh garam - 1/2 sendok teh ovalet - 125 gram terigu yang diayak - 50 gram coklat bubuk yang sudah diayak-ayak dan udah diaduk rata dengan terigu - 75 ml minyak goreng - 100 gram dark cooking coklat (DCC) yang sudah di lelehkan, campur dengan minyak - 75 ml susu kental manis coklat Cara Membuat Brownies Kukus Ala Amanda: - siapkan cetakan kemudian alasi dengan kertas roti yang diolesi dengan mentega dan taburi terigu. - setelah cetakan siap panaskan kukusan lalu bungkus tutupnya dengan kain - persiapan bahan, kocok telur dan gula sampai mengembang lalu campurkan ovalet, kocok sampai putih dan mengembang. - berikutnya masukkan kedalam adonan campuran terigu dan coklat bubuk pelan-pelan, sedikit demi sedikit sampai habis lantas aduk rata. - selanjutnya campuran DCC dimasukan beserta minyak gunakan spatula untuk mengaduk sampai rata. - buatlah adonan menjadi 3 bagian sebut saja bagian A, B, C - lalu susu k

Free Full Download AcronisOSSelector8.0 .zip

Install separate OSs for your colleagues, friends and children. Try Windows XP while keeping your current OS intact. Protect your data using separate operating systems for work, tests and entertainment

Acronis OS Selector 8.0 is a powerful, reliable, and easy-to-use tool to manage booting of multiple operating systems on a single PC

It allows you to install up to 100, or even more, operating systems (OSs) on one computer, boot an OS from any partition on any hard disk, have several operating system on the same partition, and protect your computer from boot viruses

Moreover, Acronis OS Selector 8.0 allows you to resize Windows FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, Linux Ext2, Ext3, ReiserFS, and Linux Swap partitions without losing data and create a room for new OS installation

Protect your data
Acronis OS Selector allows you to install separate operating systems for your children, your work and for software tests. You can also protect OS booting by a password

Use your favorite old programs as well as modern environment
Your favorite games and applications don't work with Windows XP? Simply install both XP and your old Windows version and reboot when necessary


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