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Resep Cara Membuat Roti Isi Sosis

Bahan: - 1500 g tepung terigu tinggi protein/hard wheat/cap cakra - 500 g tepung terigu protein sedang/medium wheat/cap segi tiga biru - 400 gula pasir - 35 g ragi instan/fermipan - 300 g mentega/margarin - 500 ml susu tawar cair - 1 sdt bread improver/pengempuk roti/baker bonus - 400 ml air es/air dingin - 160 g telur - 25 g garam halus Olesan, aduk rata: - 4 butir kuning telur - 4 sdm susu tawar cair - 2 sdt gula halus Isi: 600 g sosis sapi, kerat, goreng. Tiriskan Cara Membuat: Campur tepung terigu dengan ragi instan, gula pasir, bread improver, telur dan garam di dalam mangkuk mixer roti/mangkuk adonan. Jalankan mixer kecepatan 1 selama 2 menit. Tuang air, susu tawar cair. Jalankan 2 menit, hentikan pengadukan dan tambahkan margarin/mentega. Aduk kembali selama 10 menit atau hingga terbentuk adonan yang kalis dan elastis. Bulatkan adonan, letakan di dalam tempat tertutup dan hangat. Fermentasikan/diamkan selama 50 menit atau hingga adonan mengembang dua k


New features :
1 , transit prefetch: implementing a WEB page to be read-ahead, turn on compression transfer can also be prefetch WAP (need system settings-> open in the browser settings
2. message mechanism : interact with the park information, facilitate quick view paradise messages;
3 , UC micro-Bo thong: share optimized site, implement a new update to multiple micro-Bo, lets you share interesting, anytime and friends; Function optimization:
1. Sony experience optimization, including menu click, drag, etc experience optimizing the screen;
2. my navigation optimized to freely set the number of rows, the icon gets optimized;
3. upload the local limits support, support site restrict upload files types, size; Common browser will prompt for the file upload is complete, UC browser optimization upload limit for the current site before judgment, direct to prompt the user to upload files in the current selection is correct; Fixed problems: 1 , page-layout is very poor, a lot of places to the right of the page blank. Disclaimer : This download is for personal use (mobile phones) only. Kindly do not copy, modify, distribute or sell the whole or parts of this file without permission of the creator.

Download UCWEB 7.5.jar



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