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Resep Cara Membuat Roti Isi Sosis

Bahan: - 1500 g tepung terigu tinggi protein/hard wheat/cap cakra - 500 g tepung terigu protein sedang/medium wheat/cap segi tiga biru - 400 gula pasir - 35 g ragi instan/fermipan - 300 g mentega/margarin - 500 ml susu tawar cair - 1 sdt bread improver/pengempuk roti/baker bonus - 400 ml air es/air dingin - 160 g telur - 25 g garam halus Olesan, aduk rata: - 4 butir kuning telur - 4 sdm susu tawar cair - 2 sdt gula halus Isi: 600 g sosis sapi, kerat, goreng. Tiriskan Cara Membuat: Campur tepung terigu dengan ragi instan, gula pasir, bread improver, telur dan garam di dalam mangkuk mixer roti/mangkuk adonan. Jalankan mixer kecepatan 1 selama 2 menit. Tuang air, susu tawar cair. Jalankan 2 menit, hentikan pengadukan dan tambahkan margarin/mentega. Aduk kembali selama 10 menit atau hingga terbentuk adonan yang kalis dan elastis. Bulatkan adonan, letakan di dalam tempat tertutup dan hangat. Fermentasikan/diamkan selama 50 menit atau hingga adonan mengembang dua k

Free Download CleanMem 1.4

Added the option to disable the new clear file cache in the ignore list.

v1.4.0 Cleanmem now also clears the file cache of the system. The same way cachSet does (
I made this update after I noticed some things on my system. Every time I played a heavy game or did a full drive backup my system would be a total snail afterwards.
I checked the memory usage, cpu and everything, nothing was being used up. But every time I even so much as tried to open a window it would crawl and I would see my hard drive light fully light up for a good 5+ sec.
So I new the problem had to be with the hard drive in some way. After doing a ton of research I came across cacheSet. When I used it I had seen my cache was over a few hundred MB's!
As soon as I cleared it the system came back and the sluggish feel was gone. After researching why this happens it turns out when the cache becomes to full or large the hard drive is used MUCH more than normal, thus why everything was slowing down and my hard drive was working over time.
The file cache is stored into memory, so when it doesn't clear itself that's also wasted memory. so when it is cleared that memory comes back to the system as well.
So with this update no more sluggish system after heavy file transfers and gaming



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