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Resep Brownies Kukus Ala Amanda

Bahan-bahan: - 6 buah butir telur - 225 gram gula putih - 1 boks vanili - 1/2 sendok teh garam - 1/2 sendok teh ovalet - 125 gram terigu yang diayak - 50 gram coklat bubuk yang sudah diayak-ayak dan udah diaduk rata dengan terigu - 75 ml minyak goreng - 100 gram dark cooking coklat (DCC) yang sudah di lelehkan, campur dengan minyak - 75 ml susu kental manis coklat Cara Membuat Brownies Kukus Ala Amanda: - siapkan cetakan kemudian alasi dengan kertas roti yang diolesi dengan mentega dan taburi terigu. - setelah cetakan siap panaskan kukusan lalu bungkus tutupnya dengan kain - persiapan bahan, kocok telur dan gula sampai mengembang lalu campurkan ovalet, kocok sampai putih dan mengembang. - berikutnya masukkan kedalam adonan campuran terigu dan coklat bubuk pelan-pelan, sedikit demi sedikit sampai habis lantas aduk rata. - selanjutnya campuran DCC dimasukan beserta minyak gunakan spatula untuk mengaduk sampai rata. - buatlah adonan menjadi 3 bagian sebut saja bagian A, B, C - lalu susu k...


Operate your Smartphone in your native language. Psiloc Crystal Arabic Localization is a well known application that enables users to powerfully explore their Smartphones in their native language - Arabic. The user will be able to view and edit all the files, messages, editable applications and folders making their mobile more personal. Moreover, the user friendly interface let's them impact the size of their fonts (the font size changing range is between 70 % -130 %) without having to buy one of Psiloc' s best selling applications – Font Magnifier. MAIN FEATURES:     
 •Ability to receive and send messages and e-mails in your native language      
•Ability to make notes, calendar entries and use documents & sheets in your native language      
•Ability to browse the web in your native language      
•Ability to create and manage your contacts in your native language      
•Ability to magnify or decrease all fonts on your Smartphone

Note: Remember to disable Crystal Localization and then power off your device before UPGRADING or UNINSTALLING application or DRM Common Solutions."

Download full Psiloc Crystal


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