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Resep Cara Membuat Roti Isi Sosis

Bahan: - 1500 g tepung terigu tinggi protein/hard wheat/cap cakra - 500 g tepung terigu protein sedang/medium wheat/cap segi tiga biru - 400 gula pasir - 35 g ragi instan/fermipan - 300 g mentega/margarin - 500 ml susu tawar cair - 1 sdt bread improver/pengempuk roti/baker bonus - 400 ml air es/air dingin - 160 g telur - 25 g garam halus Olesan, aduk rata: - 4 butir kuning telur - 4 sdm susu tawar cair - 2 sdt gula halus Isi: 600 g sosis sapi, kerat, goreng. Tiriskan Cara Membuat: Campur tepung terigu dengan ragi instan, gula pasir, bread improver, telur dan garam di dalam mangkuk mixer roti/mangkuk adonan. Jalankan mixer kecepatan 1 selama 2 menit. Tuang air, susu tawar cair. Jalankan 2 menit, hentikan pengadukan dan tambahkan margarin/mentega. Aduk kembali selama 10 menit atau hingga terbentuk adonan yang kalis dan elastis. Bulatkan adonan, letakan di dalam tempat tertutup dan hangat. Fermentasikan/diamkan selama 50 menit atau hingga adonan mengembang dua k

Recipes Boston Market Meatloaf

- 1 cup tomato sauce  
- 1 1/2 tablespoons Kraft original barbecue sauce
- 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
- 1 1/2 pounds ground sirloin (10% fat)
- 6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 3/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
   dash garlic powder

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

  2. Combine the tomato sauce, barbecue sauce and sugar in a small saucepan
     over medium heat. Heat the mixture until it begins to bubble, stirring
     often, then remove it from the heat.

  3. In a large bowl, add all but 2 tablespoons of the tomato sauce to the
     meat. Use a large wooden spoon or your hands to work the sauce into the
     meat until it is very well combined.

  4. Combine the remaining ingredients with the ground sirloin-- flour, salt,
     onion powder and ground pepper. Use the wooden spoon or your hands to
     work the spices and flour into the meat.

  5. Load the meat into a loaf pan (preferably a meatloaf pan with two
     sections which allows the fat to drain, but if you don't have one of
     those a regular loaf pan will work). Wrap foil over the pan and
     place it into the oven for 30 minutes.

  6. After 30 minutes, take the meatloaf from the oven, remove the foil and,
     if you aren't using a meatloaf pan, drain the fat.

  7. Using a knife, slice the meatloaf all the way through into 8 slices
     while it is still in the pan. This will help to cook the center of the
     meatloaf. Pour the remaining 2 tablespoons of sauce over the top of
     the meatloaf, in a stream down the center. Don't spread the sauce.

  8. Place the meatloaf back into the oven, uncovered, for 25-30 minutes or
     until it is done. Remove and allow it to cool for a few minutes before

     Serves 4.


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